Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thing 4

Used the Hockeyniser in BigHughLabs, reminded me of Hockney's use of polaroid in his art, particularly the 'Grand Canyon' in the National Gallery of Australia.

Section of the 'Grand Canyon' or to see the full image go to David Hockey

My result is not quite in the same league!! Local area of Flemington in the lat 19th century not quite the same as the Grand Canyon. 

I have been using goodreads as an alternative to Librarything for a while now.  Am familiar with all the options.  Books I have added to Goodreads I must of joined in November 2011, although I don't use it every week just now and then. 

Thing 3 - Audio Books

Had a look at ClipperEbsco titles, joined as a member, of the titles available Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel would be Ok as a e-book, as a big read 700 plus pages easier to read in e format, unless of course you are ill and have several days in bed to loll around drinking tea and eating cake.

Using Bolinda easier as no need to join and have another username and password, whereas Bolinda using your library card instead is more convenient, is this correct?  Great to see the Phryne Fisher series being borrowed in e format and the influence of  a TV series.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thing 2

I already have the mvlshistory twitter account, am I able to use this account for Thingy 2 as I am unable to use the same email, does this make sense.   I had to complete a Social Media form explaining the rational and reasons for having a twitter account on the topic of family and local history. Will start to add the hashtag to my tweets.